čtvrtek 23. února 2017

Program webcastu retreatu Mandarávy z Tenerife

Ahoj všichni, zejména ti, co měli takový zájem o výklad Mandarávy. Rinpočhe už uveřejnil termíny a chystané časy nadcházejícího retreatu Mandarávy v Dzamlinggaru na Tenerife, níže je přímo rinpočheho text. Důležité je, že webcast s výkladem a předáním lungu začíná v pondělí 27.2. od 10h GMT+0, tj. v 11h dopoledne našeho času. K časům níže vždy připočtěte hodinu pro určení v kolik hodin to bude u nás. Webcast poběží na http://webcast.dzogchen.net/ , na počítači je třeba mít funkční Flash player a možná bude v sekci Translations dostupné i tlumočení do češtiny. Na mobilech s Androidem a iPhonech pak je sekce "Mobile" (může fungovat i na počítači bez flash playeru), ale tam nefunguje tlumočení. -Martin

Dzamlingar Tenerife Canary Islands time [gmt+00:00]

Losar and Mandarava Druchen with Chogyal Namkhai Norbu

New Year of Fire-Bird
        Melo 3934

2017: 27th Feb. Losar, the Mandarava Druchen Retreat starts.  Open webcast.

27th Feb. Monday
8:30-9:30am. We do Losar Delegs and have our breakfast. Then we offer our Losar presents.
10:00-10:30am. I give the Tridlung and instructions of the Mandarava practice.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava.

1:00-3:30pm. We have our lunch and then we play Bagchen and so on.
4:00-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

28th Feb. Tuesday
10:00-10:30am. I give an introduction to instructions on the Mandarava practice.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava.

3:00-3:30pm. I give transmission of Ati Guru Yoga.
3:30-4:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills.

4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

1st March. Wednesday
10:00-10:30am. We do Sang and Serkyem. Put up all the new Lungtas.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills.
4:00-4:30pm. I give the tridlung of the root Mandarava text.
4:30-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava.

5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

2nd March. Thursday
10:00-10:30am. I give the tridlung of the Srog-thig text till the end.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills.
4:00-4:30pm. I give the tridlung of the Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
4:30-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills.

5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

3rd March. Friday
10:00-10:30am. I give the tridlung of the Mandarava Tsa-lung text.
10:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
 4:00-4:30pm. I give an explanation about the 4 Initiations.
 4:30-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.

 5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

4th March. Saturday
10:00-11:30am. I give a Long life initiation of Mandarava to those present.
11:30-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.      

During that time, people following the Webcast can do the practice of Mandarava
with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.

  4:00-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
  5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

5th March. Sunday
10:00-11:40am. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
11:40-12:15pm. Presentation of the Dzamling Gar Gonpa project and so on.
4:00-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

6th March. Monday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.
4:00-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.

5:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

7th March. Tuesday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Gana Puja for the day of Guru Rinpoche.
4:00-5:00pm. We do the practice of Mandarava with Chudlen Pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor.

5:15-6.30pm. We do Khaita.

8th March. Wednesday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with its Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
3:00-4:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig-Lung-jyor 3 times.

4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

9th March. Thursday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig-Lung-jyor 3 times.
3:00-4:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.

4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

10th March. Friday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
3:00-4:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.

4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

11th March. Saturday
10:00-12:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.
3:00-4:00pm. We do the Mandarava practice with Chudlen pills and Srog-thig Lung-jyor 3 times.

4:15-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

12th March. Sunday
3:00-3.30am. We do Guru Garab Dorje’s Jyin-beb. [WWT world wide transmission]
3:30- 3:35am. I give the Lung of the Thun Book.

10:00-10:25am. I give the Lung of many collective practices and the root text of Mandarava.
10.25-12:00pm. We do the last Mandarava practice of this retreat with its Gana Puja.  
12:00-1:30pm. Fundraising. I meet many people.
4:00-6:30pm. We do Khaita.

This, roughly, is my teaching and practice program.

1 komentář:

  1. Ahoj, pokud má někdo zájem o společné sledování pondělního webcastu, ozvěte se prosím na tel: 734 879 751. Prostor mohu poskytnout ve Starém Lískovci. Budu rád za společnost.

